Riding your motorcycle alone is a great way to spend an afternoon, but what if you’ve got lots of friends with motorcycles and you want to ride together? A group motorcycle ride is perfect for making memories with your fellow riders and exploring new routes safely. However, it’s important to make sure that everyone in your group is prepared for the journey ahead. Here are our tips on how to safeguard the success of your group motorcycle ride.

Plot Out Your Route

Before you do anything else, get together with your group and determine the route you’d like to take. Having an established route will save you a lot of headaches. Choose a route that is easy enough for beginner riders and plan which places you’ll stop for gas and food along the way.

Get Your Bikes Ready

Every rider needs to tune up their motorcycles before the ride to avoid having a breakdown on the road. Air up tires, change oil, fill up fuel tanks, and stock first-aid kits and tools on your bikes. If anyone in your group needs assistance with motorcycle maintenance, get in touch with the Windy City Motorcycle Company’s service department to make an appointment with our mechanics.

Select a Formation

Finally, it’s helpful to choose a formation that will allow everyone to stay in the same lane and be organized. A staggered-V is a good option because riders will stay a few seconds behind and to the side of each other. Position experienced riders at the front and rear of your formation so that they can guide the rest of the riders.

Ready to check out some motorcycles for sale near Chicago? Stop by one of our dealership locations near Chicago, IL; Milwaukee, WI; or Detroit, MI. Windy City Motorcycle Company proudly serves our customers in southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois.