The open road offers unforgettable adventure, but it also is riddled with risks. You can't prevent every dangerous and unpredictable scenario, but you can take proactive steps to set yourself up for a safe trip.

Prepare for the Ride

A safe riding experience starts with preparation.

  • Dress for the crash: Gear up as if you expect to get in a wreck. If you end up in an accident, you'll be as protected as possible.
  • Take care of your body: Fatigue, hunger, and dehydration can impair your ability to focus. Get enough sleep, eat a big meal, and drink plenty of water before you hit the road.
  • Check the weather: Be prepared for the forecast. Wear enough layers if it'll be cold and pack waterproof outerwear if it might rain.
  • Inspect your cruiser. Check your cruiser's various parts, such as the tires and the lights, to ensure it's ready for a ride.

Continually Scan for Hazards

As you ride around on your cruiser motorcycle, stay alert for hazards you might encounter.

  • Look far ahead: Keep your gaze more than 20 feet ahead so you can spot problems and adapt to them in time.
  • Be on guard for wildlife: Know the animal risks of the area you'll be riding. Find out whether there are animals in the area and what times of day they tend to come out.
  • Scan the road: Always be looking for discarded nails, potholes, and other common road hazards. If you see a suspicious spot, assume it's slick. It could be spilled oil, ice, or something else that will cause traction issues. Slow down and proceed with caution.

Before you can enjoy a fun and safe motorcycle ride, you’ll need to buy your bike first. Windy City Motorcycle Company carries plenty of different motorcycles for sale to suit different budgets. We serve those in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Chicago, Illinois, and Detroit, Michigan.